
Here is an example of a full Chakra module.

; At the top of the file, a module must have a module definition.
; It defines the bindings that are exported from the module.
= %(

; After the module definition must be any imports
%( io, Actor, Cmd, Capabilities, cmd, actor ) = /stdlib

; After any imports comes all top-level bindings

; This is type definition
PongMsg =
    | Ping

; This is destructured binding
%( print ) = io

; This is a constant binding
main = Task(init)

; This is a function binding
init(caps) =
    %( stdio ) = caps
    print(stdio, "Hello world!")

Below we’ll go into more detail about each section, which should appear in order.

Module Definition

This section contain any bindings that you wish to be exposed to other modules. It must contains at least one export.

The syntax is as follows

= %( import1, import2, ...<more imports> )

Where each import is the name of a binding and nothing else. Each one should be seperated by a comma, the last import may have a trailing comma. Newlines are welcome and are conventional. More examples

= %( some-binding )
= %( binding-one, binding-two )
= %(


Imports must appear directly after the module definition, each one takes the form:

local-name = /some-pkg

Here, the left hand side of the bind operator contains a binding pattern and the right hand side is a module identifier.

Module Identifiers

Module identifiers have the following three forms

Package import


A package import will import a third-party package that you have listed as a dependency in your meta.chakra file. There is no way to import a module from inside the package.

Root import


A root import allows you to import from a library defined in the libs folder of your project. Only the lib.chakra module’s exports are available for import, and there is no way to access modules inside the library.

Relative import


Relative imports allow you to import from other modules inside the same directory, or sub-libraries defined in further directories. There is no access to modules inside of sub-libraries directly.

Import binding

Like with all constant bindings, the value being imported may be destructured using a pattern. If the pattern does not match the shape of the imported module, the module will fail to compile.

Type definitions

Type definitions are covered in a separate documentation page.


Getting StartedBasics